Equality and Diversity in Recruitment and Training
Promo2u adopt a proactive approach to recruitment. Our business is service related and hugely dependent upon the personnel we employ. It is therefore of great importance to us that our management philosophies are understood by our employees and customers alike.
We wish to give equal opportunities to all and ensure our team reflects the diverse nature of the customers we are proud to assist. In the provision of equality of opportunities, we realise and accept our responsibilities under the law.
It is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly in recruitment, employment or education on the grounds of the nine "protected characteristics” in the Equality Act 2010. These characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Overall responsibility for equality and diversity within Promo2u lies with its Managing Director. This document is used to train all staff to be aware of the equality and diversity procedures and forms part of our welcome pack for new team members. Bullying is not acceptable in any way and could lead to termination. Promo2u are committed to a working environment that is free of intimidation or unlawful harassment as defined in the Equality Act 2010, the Sex
Discrimination Act (1975), the Race Relations Act (1976), the Disability Discrimination Act
1993 and the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief), Sexual Orientation Regulations
2003 and other amending legislation
Promo2u adopt the following process for recruitment:
• The department head will prepare a person specification and job specification
• These documents and any advertisements prepared must not discriminate by way of sex, race, age or disability
• The advertisement responses are then marked against the person specification the topscoring applicants will be invited to a personal interview
• During the interview each applicant will be given a self assessment form and the job specificationtogether with an explanation of the interview process.
• The applicant should be allowed 15 mins to digest the process and complete the self assessment
• The interviewer should where possible be accompanied by a work colleague. The structure of the interview will be based on a set of prepared questions which explore the persons capability of meeting/exceeding the person spec and fulfilling the job specification
• Training will be provided for our internal systems and this should be outlined during the interview
• The applicant will at the end of the interview be asked to take a basic MS Office/Google docs application tests, including use of Email, Word and Excel.
• Upon completion of the interview a recap of the applicant will be conducted and points scored againstthe person specification based on the interview
• Finally the sum of the pre-qualification marks, interview marks, self assessment and test marks indicate the successful applicant.
Our strategy for growth is to bring in qualified professionals as well as local young people and educate through both apprenticeship training and professional development in partnership with the British Promotional Merchandise Association. It is our policy to spread the acquired knowledge amongst our staff not just in the UK but between all European associates. For this purpose we have team meetings/open discussion telephone conferences to discuss particular projects. We also, by adopting the partnering philosophy encourage tier 2 suppliers to contribute to this merging of minds. Where specific technical training is required this will be assessed by the management and deployed as required. We are members of the FSB and BPMA where we have committed to the industry training provided by them. All employees are trained in the use of data and given a copy of all our policies as part of their induction process.
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